Mikha'El Akkarra's Guardian Angel Security Agency. .....


"For I Shall Lead Thee Unto Babylon To Expose The Anti-Messiah."
"Thee Shall Be A Defender Of The: Humble, Ignorant, Innocent, Obedient, Righteous, And Those Whom May Be Weak Unable To Defend Themselves; Showing Unto Them: Charity, Compassion, Forgiveness, Kindness, Love, And Mercy." 
"I Shall Make Thee A Leader Unto Many Nations; So Therefore Thee Shall Rule Them In Righteousness."
 (The Scroll Of Mikha'El 1:2, 24, 28)
"To Obtain Peace There Shall Be War."
"With Great Success There Must Be Many: Setbacks, Trials, And Tribulations; In Reality Success Doesn't Happen Overnight."

I Am Currently Accepting Clients Within The True Body Of Messiah Yahshua.
   My Security Services Is 100% Non-For Profit. Yahweh Elohim Has Created Me To: Defend, Guard, Minister, And Protect The Children (All Who Are Within The True Body Of Messiah Yahshua And All Whom The Messiah Is Drawing Unto Salvation)
Of Yishra'El. (Daniel 12:1a) Doto Donald John Trump Sr Being The Anti-Messiah The True Body Of Messiah Yahshua Will Be Going To War Against The Anti-Messiah, Babylon/America And All Of Those Whom Follows, Supports, And Worships The Anti-Messiah. (Daniel 11:33-35; 12:1-12)
Until More Of These Prophecy's Come To Pass I'll Be Doing Random Jobs.
I've Been Given A Lot Of Different Duties, And Responsibilities To Perform Concerning The The Body Of Messiah Yahshua. I've Even Been Given The Honor To Give Trump His Deadly Headwound That He'll Recover From Then He'll Be Indwelt By The Fallen Angel Abaddon, But First There's Several Prophecy's That Must Be Fulfilled Before This To Take Place. We Are Not In The Beginning Of The Great Tribulation. Most Of The Scroll Of Revelation Hasn't Happened Yet, Also Only A Very Small Portion Of The Prophecy's Within My Scroll Has Been Fulfilled Concerning Me. As For Now Us Whom Are Reincarnated Angelics Yahweh Elohim Is Putting Us Through A Ten Year Purification/Sanctification, Then We'll Have Our Original Glorified Angelic Bodies Restored Unto Us.
Many Of Us Reincarnated Angelics Are Unaware Of Our Angelic Origins. Our Brother Gabriel Had To Actually Remind Me Of Who I Am As The Archangelic Mikha'El. Our Fallen Brother Helel/Satan Messed Up By Calling Me By My Angelic Name In The Spiritual Realm; He's Never Called Me By My Birth Name.

We're Looking For Reincarnated Angelics To Volunteer As Personal/Private Body/Security Guards For Those Within The True Body Of Messiah Yahshua. As Persecutions Are Starting To Increase Worldwide There's A Extreme Need For Angelic Intervention When It Comes To Protecting The Body Of Messiah Yahshua. If You're Wondering If You Are A Reincarnated Angelic: If You Have Birthmarks And Or Freckles (Angelic Warmarkings) You're One Of Us Reincarnated Angelics. But Be Warned Not All Reincarnated Angelics Are Good Angelics; Even Our Fallen Angelic Brothers And Sisters (Fallen Angels/Demons) Can Be Reincarnated, And Have Angelic Warmarkings.

                                         For Protective Services Please Feel Free To Contact Me At:

Email: mikhaelakkarra@gmail.com 

Telegrame: The Great Prince Mikha'El Akkarra.


Text Messaging: 1 + (702) 813-4936.

 24 Hrs 7 Days A Week.

NOTE: If  I Don't Get Back With You Right Away Please Do Feel Free To Call Leave Me A Voicemail And I'll Try To Get Back With You As Soon As Possible.
