The Scroll Of The Great Prince Mikha'El;: 5778-5782


1. Thee Shall Be Born Into A Spiritual Family, Not Rich.

2. I Shall Lead Thee Unto Babylon, To Expose The Anti-Messiah.

3. Thee Shall Be Led Into Captivity, At No Fault Of Thy Own.

4. Thee Shall Take Part In Worldly Pleasures, For A Time.

5. Thee Shall Not Be Materialistic, But Charitable; Not Demanding Anything In Return.

6. Thee Shall Be Diverse As I Am Diverse.

7. People Shall Know Thee Are Different, Not Fully Understanding Of Whom Thee Are, Until I Shall Exalt Thee Unto Thy Rightful Position.

8, Thy Brother Shall Become Extremely Envious Of Thee; Trying To Mislead Thee, But Thee Shall Overcome Him.

9. Many Shall Seek Thy Forgiveness; Therefore Thee Shall Be Willing To Forgive Them Of Their Trespasses, As I've Forgiven Thee Of Thy Many Transgressions.

10. Thee Shall Be A Quick Learner.

11. Thee Shall Be Quick To Correct Any Wrongs Thee Make.

12. Thee Shall Not Be Afraid To Challenge Those Whom Are In Authority; Not Being Intimidated.

13. Thee Shall Not Base Thy Faith Off Others; Being Very Wise, Using Discernment At All Times.

14. I Shall Lead Thee Unto Perfection; Putting Thee Through Trials; Which Thee Shall Go Through Many Struggles.

15. I Shall Speak To Thee Through: Dreams, Signs, Visions, And Many Other Means.

16. I Shall Have To Remind Thee Of Whom Thee Are, From Time To Time.

17. Those Whom Fights Thee Shall Not Prosper; For Those Whom Fights Thee Shall Be Fighting Against Me.

18. Thee Shall Have To Withdraw Thyself From Thy People; For A Time.

19. Thee Shall Not Accept Any Form Of Worship; For Worship Belongs Unto Me Alone Says Elohim Yahweh.

20. Those Whom Fights Me Shall Not Prosper; How Foolish For Someone To Fight Against Their Creator.

21. Thee Shall Continue To Grow Strong:  Emotionally, Mentally, Physically, And Spiritually 

22. Thee Shall Continue To Advance In: Knowledge, Understanding, And Wisdom; So Therefore I Shall Give Unto Thee A Thorne In Thy Flesh, To Keep Thee Humble. Therefore Thee Shall Choose What Thorn In Thy Flesh I Shall Give Unto Thee.

23. Thee Shall Be A Revenger Against The Unrighteous Whom Refuses To Repent And To Turn Away From Their Lawlessness; Not Showing Any Favor Unto Them; As I Myself Show No Favor Unto Those Whom Refuses To Repent Of Their Lawlessness, And To Turn Fully Obeying My Kodesh Word.   

24. Thee Shall Be A Defender Of The: Humble, Ignorant, Innocent, Obedient, Righteous, And Those Whom Maybe Weak Unable To Defend Themselves; Showing Unto Them: Compassion, Forgiveness, Love, And Mercy.

25. Thee Shall Be Very Patient With My Creation; For I Am Patient With Whom I Have Created.

26. Thee Shall Be Willing To Accept And Offer Help In A Time Of Need.

27. I Shall Make Thee A Leader Of Many Nations; So Thee Shall Rule Them In Righteousness.

28. Thee Shall Prosper In What So Ever Thee Put Thy Hand To.

29. The More Thee Shall Mature, The More Glory And Honor Thee Shall Bring Unto My Awesome Kodesh, And Righteous Name.


1. Thee Shall Take Time Each Day To: Pray Unto Me Read And Study My Word, And Put Others Before Thyself.

2. I Shall Reveal Things Unto Thee Before They Shall Come To Pass.

3. I Shall Bless Thee With As Many Concubines, And Wives As Thy Heart Desires; Blessing Thy Seed Which Comes From Thee. 

3. Thee Shall Not Have To Convince Others Of Whom Thee Are; For They Shall Come To Accept Know Whom Thee Are In Due Time.

4. The Nations I Give Unto Thee, Thee Shall Appoint Unto Thee Thy Brothers As Thy Righteous: Judges,  Leaders, And Officers, Putting Them In Authority, Giving Unto Them Their Fair Wages, Necessities, Property, And Weapons.

5. Each Nation I Shall Give Unto Thee; Thee Shall Purge Out Everything That Causes An Abomination, Not Allowing These To Dwell Within Thy Land.

4. I Shall Appoint Thy Brother Gabriel Unto Thee To Help Thee Enforce, And Restore My Kodesh Torah In Each Nation I Give Unto Thee.

5. Thee Shall Not Charge Thy People A High Cost For Their Living; Only Charging Them A Fair Price For Their Livelihood.

6. Thee Shall Provide Thy People With Free: Education, Housing, Medical, And Transportation.

7. For The Stranger Whom Wishes To Obtain Citizenship In Thy Nation; Thee Shall Not Put Any Extra Burdens Onto Them, But Teaching Them To Fully Obey My Kodesh Torah, Warning Them For Any Disobedience Towards My Word.

8. My Kodesh Word Nor Anything Pertaining To It Shall Never Be Sold; Only Given Out As A Gift; So My Children May Continue To Grow, Praise And Worship My Kodesh, And Righteous Name.

9. Any Time Thee Shall Have A Large Feast, Thee Shall Invite Those Whom Are Less Fortunate; Treating Them As Guests Of Honor, Then Giving Unto Them Any Leftovers That They Wish To Take Home With Them. 

10. Any Man Made Holidays Thee Shall Allow Those Whom Wishes To Observe Them To Do So, Just Not As The Heathens Observe Their Abominable Holidays.   

11. Thee Shall Not Write Any Laws That Are Too Hard To Obey.

12. Thee Shall Restore Biblical Marriage; Not Putting An Extra Burden On Those Whom Wishes To Obtain Marriage. If Someone Is Mature Enough For Marriage Thee Shall Allow Them To Doso.

13. Those Whom So Ever Wishes To Be Leaders, Shall Not Be New To The Faith, But Must Be Tested First.

14. If Thee Shall Find A Man Misleading Thy People Thy Eye Shall Not Pity Him; For He Misleads Thy People, Leading Them Astray.

15. For Whenever Thee Shall Travel To Another Nation For More Then A Few Days, Thee Shall Appoint One Of Thy Brothers To Help Thee Rule Over Thy Nation That Thee Have Adopted As Thy Home Nation.

16. Whenever Thee Shall Visit Another One Of Thy Many Nations, Thee Shall Bring A Gift Unto Thy Brother That Thee Have Appointed As One Of Thy Leaders. Also Thee Shall Bring A Gift Back For Thy Brother That Thee Have Appointed As Leader Of Thy Home Nation, A Gift For Thy Children, Concubines, And Thy Wives.

17. Thee Shall Help Train Thy Men, And Thy Women Whom Wishes To Volunteer; Pre-pairing Them In A Time Of War.

18. All Thy Older Women, Shall Help Teach Thy Younger Women How To Live Kodesh, Modest, Pure, And Righteous Lives.

19. Thy Enemies Thee Shall Defeat, I Shall Give Unto Thee, And Thy Men Their; Animals, Concubines, Daughters, Little Ones, Property, Servents, Sons, And Wives, As Thy Concubines, Daughters, Little Ones, Servents, Sons, And Thy Wives; Which Thee Shall Have Thy Younger And Older Women I Shall Give Unto Thee And Thy Men Go Through A Purification Rite.

20. The Nations I Shall Give Unto Thee, Those Whom Shall Ask Of Thee For Peace, Thee Shall Accept Their Peaceful Surrender As I Shall Not Turn Away From Those Whom Truly Repents Of Their Lawlessness, Fully Observing My Righteous Commandments.

21. Whenever Any Of Thy People Shall Raid A City, Nation, Town, Or Village, Thy People Shall Divide Thy Spoil Between One Another; Thy Extra Spoil Thee Shall Not Keep For Thyselves Thee Shall Give It Unto Thy Poorer Brothers And Sisters Without Any Payment.

22. Thee And Thy Brothers Shall Pre-pair Thy Younger Men For Manhood; Thy Sisters Shall Pre-pair Thy Younger Women For Womanhood.

23. Whenever Thee Shall Provide Thy People With Work, Thee Shall Hire Them According To Their, Abilities Not Their Education.

24. When And If Thee Shall Have To Lead Any Of Thy People Within Any Nation Into Captivity, Thee Shall Provide Them With Proper: Clothing, Education, Food, Hard Labor, Housing, Hygiene, And Medical Attention. If They Are Willing To Obey Thy Righteous Authority, Government, And My Commandments Thee Shall Provide Them Their Freedom After A Time Of Chastisement, And Punishment.

25. Thy Officers Shall Be Willing To Minister Unto The Needs Of Thy Captives; Only Whenever They Are Willing To Submit Unto Their Captors. 

26. Thy People Shall Only Hold Those Whom Thee Have Taken Into Captivity Until The Year Of Release, Then Thee Shall Release Them With The Things Needed To Live; Not Releasing Them Empty Handed. 

27. Thee Shall Not Allow The Unrepentant Nor Unrighteous To Take Part In Thy Army, Government, Becoming Judges, Nor Officers; Only Thy Brothers And Sisters Shall Be Allowed Into Thy Army, Government, Becoming Thy Judges, And Thy Officers. For What Right Does The Unrepentant And The Unrighteous To Have Any Authority Over My People, For I Condemn The Hypocrites Whom Condemns Another For They Practice The Same Things That They Condemn.

28. Thee Shall Always Be Ready To Chastise, Correct, Encourage, Exalt, Forgive, Humble, Punish, Rebuke, Reprove, Teach, And Warn Thy People Whenever They Continue To Live In Sin, And To Reword Thy People For Their Faithfulness, Loyalty And Obedience Towards My Kodesh, And Righteous Commandments. 

29. The Nations That I Shall Give Unto Thee, And Thy People, Thee Shall Give A Portion Unto Each Twelve Tribes Of Yishra'El Of Land According To Their Tribes; Also Thee Shall Give A Portion Unto Each Of Thy Gentile Brothers And Sisters According To Their Tribes.

30. Whenever One Of Thy People Shall Give Unto Thee One Of Their Daughters, Thee Shall Be Willing To Take Her Unto Thyself As Wives, If Not Thee Shall Give Her To One Of Thy Brothers Or Thy Sons If Thee Or One Of Thy Brothers Or Thy Sons Take Her As Thy Wife, Thee, Thy Brothers And Thy Sons Shall Give A Gift Unto Her Father, Mother, Brothers, And Sisters.


1. When Thee Come Across A Harlotte Or Whore, Thee Shall Be Willing To Humble Her; If She Refuses To Be Humbled, Thy Eye Shall Not Pity Her, Putting Her To Death, Because She Refused To Be Humbled; Therefore Thee Shall Purge Thy Land From It's Harlottry, And Whordom.

2. Thee Shall Restore My Awesome And Kodesh Name And Titles, As Well As My Son's, Not Allowing Anyone To Preach Nor Teach Another Mighty One, Nor Savior; Substituting My Nor My Son's Names Nor Titles

3. When Thee Shall Take A Nation Unto Thyself, That I Shall Give Unto Thee And It's Leaders, Military, And Officials Refuses To Surrender Unto Thee, Thee Shall Punish Them Accordingly.

4. Thee Shall Humble Whom Shall Humble; Thee Shall Exalt Those Whom Thee Shall Exalt.

5. Those Whom Thee Shall Appoint As Thy Leaders Shall Know And Reverence My Awesome, And Kodesh Name As Well As My Sons; Obeying And Teaching My Covenants, Wholeheartedly Not Leading Thy People Astray. 

6. Once I Give Unto Thee All Of My Word That Has Been Removed; I Shall Appoint Unto Thee Thy Brother Gabriel To Help Thee Restore All Of My Word Into Every Tongue; Then Guarding The Original Scrolls.

7. Thee Shall Not Permit A Pagan Priest To Live Within Thy Land; Thee Shall Destroy Them, Putting Them And Their Belongings Under Tha Ban; Only Thee Shall Take Unto Thee Their Concubines, Wives, And Little Ones; As Well As Their Animals, And Livestock.

8. Anyone Thee May Heal Thee Shall Know If Their Enjories, Diseases, Illnesses, Or Sicknesses Is Doto Living In Sin Or To Bring Glory And Honor Unto My Awesome, And Kodesh Name Or To Keep Them Humble. Thee Shall Warn Those Whom Continues Living In Sin To Repent And Obey My Covenants; If They Refuse To Repent Thee Shall Refuse Them Healing. For I do Not Fully Heal Those Whom Refuses To Repent Living In Sin; Thee Shall Also Teach Thy People That My Healings Come Through Many Types Of Manafications; So Therefore May Not Always Happen Right Away, For I Have My Reasons Why I Do What I Do; Therefore For Now Thee Shall Not Fully Understand My Ways.

9. Thee Shall Be Willing To Withdraw Holding Back Thy Blessings From Thy People From Time To Time; Helping Them To Fully Understand That I Don't Always Give Unto My People Everything They Want, And Whenever They Want It. Helping Them Not To Always Being Dependent On Their Blessings, And To Learn How To Use The Blessings, That I've Already Given Unto Them; For I Already Know What My People Need Before They Ask Of Me. For My Timing Is Always On Time, And Perfect.

10. I Shall Give Unto Thee The Full Measure Of My Ruach; Therefore Thee Shall Be Able To Do Everything That I Am Able To Do, Only Not Accepting Any Form Of Worship; For Worship Belongs Unto Me Alone.

11. Thy Name Mikha'El Means: Whom Is Like El, Yahweh, Yod Hay Vav Hay, Yahveh. Therefore Thee Shall Inherit All Of My Attributes.

12. Those Whom Reverence Me Shall Reverence Thee; Those Whom Do Not Fully Honor Me Shall Not Fully Honor Thee.

13. Thee Shall Have Angelic, Animal, And Human Like Abilities, And Appearances As Part Of Many Of Thy Characteristics. 

14. Thee Shall Be The Most Beautiful, Creative, Intelligent, Strongest, And Talented Being That I Have Or Ever Shall Create.

15. Since I Am All Knowing, All Powerful, And I'm Able To Be Everywhere At Once, Thee Shall Have These Same Characteristics.

16. Thee Shall Have Immortality Indwelt Within Thee, So There For No Man Shall Be Able To Defeat Thee Nor Kill Thee; Thee Shall Never Have To Taste Death Nor Shall Thee Feel Physical Pain; Thee Shall Still Have Emotions, But Be Able To Fully Control Thy Feelings.

17. Thee Shall Have Supernatural Abilities, Never Misusing Them. 

18. (YOD) Thy Hands Have Me And Formed Me; Make Me To Understand, That I Might Learn Thy Commands.

19. Those Whom Revere Thee, Shall See Me And Rejoice; For I Have Waited For Thy Word.

20. I Know O Yahweh, That Thy Right-rulings Are Righteous, And In Trustworthiness Thee Have Afflicted Me.

21. Please Let Thy Kindness Be For My Comfort, According To Thy Word To Thy Servant.

22. Let Thy Compassions Come To Me; That I Might Live, For Thy Torah Is My Delight.

23. Let The Proud Be Put To Shame, For With Lies They've Perverted Me; I Study Thy Orders.

24. Let Those Whom Revere Thee Turn To Me, And Those Whom Know Thy Witnesses.

25. Let My Heart Be Perfect In Thy Laws, So That I Am Not Put To Shame.

26. (HAY) Teach Me O Yahweh, The Way Of Thy Laws, And I Observe It To The End.

27. Make Me Understand, That I Might Observe Thy Torah, And Guard It With All Of My Heart.; Not Turning To The Left Nor Turning To The Right.

28. Make Me To Walk In The Path Of Thy Commands, For I Have Delighted In It. 

29. Incline My Heart Unto Thy Witnesses, And Not To Greedy Gain.


1. Turn Away My Eye From Looking At Falsehood, And Revive Me In Thy Way.

2. Establish Thy Word To Thy Servant, Which Leads Unto The Reverence Of Thee.

3. Turn Away My Reproach Which I Dread, For Thy Right-rulings Are Good, Righteous, And True Leading Me Unto Perfection.

4. See, I Have Longed For Thy Orders; Revive Me In Thy Righteousness.

5. (VAV) And Let Thy Kindnesses Come To Me, O Yahweh, Thy Deliverance, According To Thy Word. 

6. So That I Answer My Reprover, For I Have Trusted In Thy Word.

7. And Do Not Take Away From My Mouth The Word Of Truth Entirely, For I Have Waited For Thy Right-rulings;

8. That I Might Guard Thy Torah Continually For Ever, And Ever.

9. That I Might Walk In A Broad Place, For I Have Sought Thy Orders;

10. That I Might Speak Of Thy Witnesses Before Sovereigns And Not Be Ashamed;

11. That I Might Delight Myself In Thy Commands, Which I Have Loved;

12. That I Might Lift Up My Hands To Thy Kodesh Commands; Which I Have Loved; While I Meditate On Thy Laws.

13. (YOD) Thy Wives Shall Stretch Out Their Hands To The Distaff, And Their Hands Shall Hold The Spindle.

14.(HAY) They Shall Also Be The Ships As Tarshish, They Shall Bring Thy Food From Afar. 

15. (VAV) They Shall Rise While It Is Still Night, And Provides For Thy Household, And A Portion For Thy Maidens.

16. (HAY) Thy Concubines, And Wives Shall Never Do Thee Any Wrong Staying Faithful, Loyal, And Submissive Unto Thee At All Times; Bearing Unto Thee Many Children. Whom Hall Also Be Submissive Obeying Thee At All Times.

17. Thy People Shall Give Unto Thee Many Titles; So Therefore Thee Shall Be Willing To Accept These Many Titles.

18. Thee Shall Not Be Afraid To Taunt The Anti-Messiah, For He Is Unable To Touch Thee, But He Has Been Reserved, For The Hour Of His Punishment; When I Send My Son Back To Destroy Him Sending Him To His Place.

19. Many From Around The World I Shall Send To Thee To Seek Thy Help; So Therefore Thee Shall Be Willing To Help Them In Their Time Of Need, And Stress.

20. Thee Shall Be Willing To Accept Any And All Gifts That Thy People Wish To Give Unto Thee; For These Shall Be Thy Blessings, Payment And Reward For Thy Faithful, And Loyal Services.

21. Many People From Around The World I Shall Send Unto Thee To Hear Thy Wisdom As I Had With My Servant Sovereign Shelmoh, Blessing Thee With Many Gifts; Which Thee Shall Accept.

22. Thee Shall Have Many Duties, And Responsibilities.

23. Thee Shall Not Over Tax Thy People, But Setting Fair Tax Rates; If Thy People Are Unable To Pay Their Taxes Thee Shall Not Evict Them From Their Lands Nor Property. Thy Governors, Mayors, Military, Ministers, And Officers Shall Be Exempt Doto Their Faithfulness, And Loyalty Towards The Work They've Committed Themselves Unto. 

24. Each Person Whom Wishes To Have Full Citizenship Within Thy Land Shall Be Fully Registered.

25. Thee Shall Not Place Any Form Of Restrictions On Traveling To Nor From Thy Boarders. Thee Shall Have A Open Boarders Law Which Must Continue Unto All Generations.

26. Thy Leaders, And Peace Officers Shall Not Oppress Thy People; For I Love The Stranger Whom Obeys My Kodesh Word, And Reverances My Kodesh Name.

27. Thee Shall Enforce My Commandment Concerning Women Not Being Teachers Of My Kodesh Word Also To Dress Modestly, If They Refuse To Obey These Commandments Thee Shall Punish Them Accordingly.

28. If A Child Rapist Is Caught It's Up To The Childs Father Or Mother If The Father Isn't Living Nor In The Childs Life What Type Of Punishment Shall Be Placed Against The Offender, If The Father, Mother Or A Relative Is The Child Rapist, Then He Or She Shall Be Put To Death Without Mercy Nor Pity; For Rape Is The Most Hanniest Crime One Could Commit. If The Child Has No Living Relatives Nor Guardian, Then The Court Shall Decide The Punishment For The Offender.

29. If Any Of Thy People Come To Thee For Protection Thee Shall Be Willing To Offer Your Services To Help Those Whom Are Unable To Defend Themselves Without Any Price.

30. Since Thee, Thy Children, Concubines, And Wives Are Royalty, Thee Shall Never Worry About Living In Poverty.


1. Whenever Thee Are In Thy Travels Thee Shall Be Willing To Accept Not Refuse Thy Peoples Hospitality; In Return Thee Shall Be Willing To Show Thy Kindness, Blessing Them In Whatever They Mighty Be In Need Of. 

2. Thy People Shall Invite Thee To Birthdays, Family Gatherings, Feasts, Holidays, And Many Other Occasions; Thee Shall Be Willing To Accept Their Invitations, Setting Aside Thy Own Pleasures For The Time Being, Bringing Food, And Gifts; Thee Shall Be Willing To Offer Help With Setting, And Cleaning Up, And Whatever Other Type Of Help That Might Be Needed.

3. On Thy Wives Birthdays, And Thy Anniversaries Thee Shall Spend Extra Intimate Time On These Dates.

4. Each Wife I Give Unto Thee, Thee Shall Take Time To Spend Extra Time Alone With Them Pertaining To Their Needs. If Thy Wives Wants To Give Thee Children Then Thee Shall Accept And Go Into Them, Allowing Them To Give Thee Children; Which I Shall Bless Thy Seed.

5. If Any Of Thy Wives Wishes To Go With Thee On Any Of Thy Travels Thee Shall Be Willing To Take Them With Thee, But In A Time Of War Thee Shall Keep Them At One Of Thy Many Palaces, Unless They Are Able To Fight.

6. Thee Shall Take Time Off Work To Spend Extra Time With Thy Children, And Thy Wives.

7. Thee Shall Never Sexually Deprive Thy Wives, Going Into Them Whenever They Ask Of Thee To Do So; Thy Wives Shall Also Never Sexually Deprive Thee, Laying With Thee When Thee Ask Of Them To Do So.

8. Thee Shall Take Extra Time To Help Thy Concubines, And Thy Wives Homeschool Raising Thy Children At Home.

9. I Shall Speake To Thee Face To Face From Time To Time.

10. Thee Shall Give Unto Thy People A Proper Place Of Rest, For When That Day May Come.

11. I Shall Use Thee To Punish That Great Whore, Babylon Where I Have Led Thee To Expose The Anti-Messiah; Which Many Shall Join Thee, Thee Shall Plunder Her Taking Great Spoil For Thyself And Thy People. Do Unto Her As She Has Done Unto Thee And Thy People; Repaying Her Of Her Abominations. For I Have Raised Up A Large Group Of My People Whom Are Doing My Pleasure Against Her. Thee Shall Allow Her To Take Thee Captive, Which She Shall Never Be Able To Contain Thee; Thee Shall Do Unto Her As Thee Wish, For Her Judgement Shall Come Upon Her Which She Shall Never Escape.

12. O Daughter Babylon, Whom Shall Be Destroyed; Blessed Be He Whom Repays Thee As She Has Done Unto Thee, Blessed Be He Whom Takes Thy Little Ones, And Dashes Them Against The Rock. 

13. I Am Sorry That Thee Had To Go Through What Thee Have Gone Through; But I Am Going To Use Thee To Punish Thy Enemies, And Thy Oppressors, I Am Well Pleased With Thee;

14. I Have Created Thee With A Heart Of Gold; Even Thee Don't Want To Fight Against Thy Fallen Brothers And Sisters, Wishing That The Anti-Messiah, Thy Brothers And Sisters Whom Have Fell Away, And The False Prophet Would Repent. But When Everything Has Been Fulfilled Concerning Them As Thee Know Everything Shall Be New.

15. Once I Shall Restore My People Yishra'El, Back To Their Homeland, I Shall Give Unto Them Their Inheirentance; Not Because Of Thy Own Righteousness, But Because Of My Promises That I Have Given Unto Thy Fathers Abraham, Ya'aqob, And Yitshaq. For Thee Are A Stiffnecked People., My People O Ya'aqob.

16. I Shall Put Thee Through Many Of The Same Things, That I Have Put Thy People Through; Allowing Thee To Suffer With Thy People For A Time; So Thee May Experience The Same Things That Thy People Are Going Through, Learning How To Better Lead Them.

17. See I Am Sending Thee As My Head Cherub, To Guard Thy People In The Way, And To Bring Thy People To A Place I Have Prepared.

18. Thy People Must Continue To Be On Guard At All Times Before Thee, And Obey Thy Voice, Not Rebelling Against Thee, For Thee Shall Not Pardon Their Transgressions, For My Name Is In Thee.

19. But If Thy People Diligently Obey Thy Voice, And Do All That I Speak, Then I Shall Be An Enemy Against Thy Enemies. And A Distresser To Those Whom Distresses Thee.


