

  Academy     Filmmaking Filmmaking 101: What You Need to Know About Indie Film Production Filmmaking • Aug 29, 2021 Go in-depth with: Cinematography Film lighting Camera shots & angles Cinema cameras Famous Filmmakers What does filmmaking entail? To answer that, let me start by painting you a picture. You just finished watching the entire Harry Potter franchise (for the trillionth time). And as the self-pronounced Potterhead, you are, you already know everything there possibly is to know about the house of Gryffindor, Neville Longbottom and he-who-must-not-be-named. You got all that covered. So, let me ask you this: Do you know how long it took to make these Harry Potter movies? I'll bet on my Hufflepuff seat that you can't answer that. The truth is that few people sit back after watching a film and think about how much work it took to make. They may check out how much the actors were paid or what kind of budget the film worked with, but it's impossible to know what it


       THE TRIBULATION TIMES TRIBUNE NEWSPAPER                                  DONALD JOHN TRUMP SR                                                    FULFILLS THE BIBLICAL PROPHECY'S                                                              CONCERNING                                                                              THE ANTI-MESSIAH     "I Shall Lead Thee Unto Babylon, To Expose The Anti-Messiah."                                     (The Scroll Of Mikha'El 1:2) Donald John Trump Sr Fulfills Every Single Biblical Prophecy Concerning The Anti-Messiah. Barack H. Obama Whom Some Misunderstood Him (Myself As Well) To Be The Anti-Messiah Never Declared Himself To Be The Second Coming; Also Obama Was Never Loved By Christian Evangelicals As Trump Sr Is. All One Must Do Is Keep Up With The World News The Nation Of Yishra'El Loves Trump Sr And Has Also Dedicated Several Landmarks To Him Which The Scriptures Makes It Very Clear That The Jewish People Whom Ha

Mikha'El Akkarra's Guardian Angel Security Agency. .....

  "For I Shall Lead Thee Unto Babylon To Expose The Anti-Messiah." "Thee Shall Be A Defender Of The: Humble, Ignorant, Innocent, Obedient, Righteous, And Those Whom May Be Weak Unable To Defend Themselves; Showing Unto Them: Charity, Compassion, Forgiveness, Kindness, Love, And Mercy."  "I Shall Make Thee A Leader Unto Many Nations; So Therefore Thee Shall Rule Them In Righteousness."  (The Scroll Of Mikha'El 1:2, 24, 28) "To Obtain Peace There Shall Be War." "With Great Success There Must Be Many: Setbacks, Trials, And Tribulations; In Reality Success Doesn't Happen Overnight." I Am Currently Accepting Clients Within The True Body Of Messiah Yahshua.    My Security Services Is 100% Non-For Profit. Yahweh Elohim Has Created Me To: Defend, Guard, Minister, And Protect The Children (All Who Are Within The True Body Of Messiah Yahshua And All Whom The Messiah Is Drawing Unto Salvation) Of Yishra'El. (Daniel 12:1a) Doto Donald J

Emmanuel (El With Us) Communities Seeking Help.

5882 28 Tishrei 2nd Day Of The Week.                                                                                                  PM Time. Hello To All Of My Brothers And Sisters Of Messiah Yahshua: My Name Is Mikha'El Akkarra (Troy Carl Warnke Jr) I Am Looking For Donors, Promoters, Supporters, And Volunteers For The Emmanuel (El With Us) Community Fundraiser. The Messiah Yahshua And Yahweh Elohim Has Put On My Heart To Start The SNM Sacred Names Movement Communities. The Funds That We'll Be Getting From This Fundraiser Will Be Going Towards Purchasing Churches, Property, Supplies, Plumbing, Electric, Solar Panels, Cloths, Food, Etc. Right Now I've Found Two Churches That Are For Sale. The One Is A Old Salvation Army Headquarters. Which Is On Market For $2.600,000.00. Here In Las Vegas, NV.  The Scriptures Commands All Bible Followers To Be Suppurate Not To Be Unequally Yoked With Non-Believers. So I Plan On Creating Communities Within Babylon/America Until The Great T

The Scroll Of The Great Prince Mikha'El;: 5778-5782

1) 1. Thee Shall Be Born Into A Spiritual Family, Not Rich. 2. I Shall Lead Thee Unto Babylon, To Expose The Anti-Messiah. 3. Thee Shall Be Led Into Captivity, At No Fault Of Thy Own. 4. Thee Shall Take Part In Worldly Pleasures, For A Time. 5. Thee Shall Not Be Materialistic, But Charitable; Not Demanding Anything In Return. 6. Thee Shall Be Diverse As I Am Diverse. 7. People Shall Know Thee Are Different, Not Fully Understanding Of Whom Thee Are, Until I Shall Exalt Thee Unto Thy Rightful Position. 8, Thy Brother Shall Become Extremely Envious Of Thee; Trying To Mislead Thee, But Thee Shall Overcome Him. 9. Many Shall Seek Thy Forgiveness; Therefore Thee Shall Be Willing To Forgive Them Of Their Trespasses, As I've Forgiven Thee Of Thy Many Transgressions. 10. Thee Shall Be A Quick Learner. 11. Thee Shall Be Quick To Correct Any Wrongs Thee Make. 12. Thee Shall Not Be Afraid To Challenge Those Whom Are In Authority; Not Being Intimidated. 13. Thee Shall Not Base Thy Faith Off Oth